Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program

Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program:
Processing your resident visa through the Provincial Nominee Program involves two different processes: One with the provincial government, and another with the federal government. We have a wealth of experience dealing with Provincial nominees programs.
You are protected; we are Canadian Lawyer and Regulated Consultant Immigration Canada, members of ICCRC (Immigration Consultant Of Canada Regulatory Counsel).
The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program expedites immigration to Canada for individuals and their families who meet provincial criteria. The four categories under the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program are as follows:
Immigrant Partner Category :–
A principal applicant who proposes to make an investment in an existing Prince Edward Island company and to take an active role in that company as a director or senior manager.
Immigrant Entrepreneur Category :–
A principal applicant who proposes to establish a viable, new business in Prince Edward Island.
Immigrant Connections Category :–
A principal applicant suggested by a Prince Edward Island based “champion” who meets settlement and employability criteria.
Skilled Worker Category :–
A principal applicant with specialized skills and experience who fills a labour market need in Prince Edward Island (A job offer is needed).
For more information contact us here.